ML Inference

Inference is the application of a trained model to new data to obtain predictions or conclusions.

Run inference on Nebius AI cloud infrastructure for real-time or on-demand predictions, decision-making, or any other intended purpose.

Why Nebius AI is the right choice

GPUs for different workloads

We provide AI-tailored GPUs from NVIDIA like L40, A100 and H100.

Support and onboarding assistance

We provide onboarding, assistance with complex cases and with optimizing platform usage, reducing your problem-solving time.

Affordable and reasonable pricing

Maximize your benefits with our reserve pricing models. Contact our Sales for an offer tailored for your needs.

How to choose GPU for inference


Good for dealing with small and middle-size models that do not require BF16 precision support.

Much more affordable than other types of GPU.


For inference of high memory consumption models with moderate load A100 can be more cost effective than H100.


Best choice if speed is your top priority.

Perfect for bigNLP, LLM, and all models with Transformer architecture.


The world’s most powerful GPU for supercharging AI and HPC workloads coming soon!

Solution architecture

This set of Nebius AI services will ensure a better inference for your model.

Let’s find the best possible technical solution

If you want to use a specific database or third-party software for your project, our team of solution architects is here to assist you at every step of the way.

FAQ and basic terminology

What is machine learning inference?

Machine learning inference is the process of applying a trained machine learning model to new, unseen data to make predictions or decisions.

It’s a crucial step in machine learning pipelines where the model, previously trained on historical data, is utilized to provide real-time predictions or insights.