Built with Nebius AI

We regularly share our clients' experiences on how they build workloads for data processing, model training, fine-tuning and inference with the help of our architects. We also share links to open-source models trained on Nebius AI.


Recraft, recently funded in a round led by Khosla Ventures and former GitHub CEO Nat Friedman, is the first generative AI model built for designers. Featuring 20 billion parameters, the model was trained from scratch on Nebius AI.


In our field, effective partnerships that harness complementary strengths can drive significant breakthroughs. Such is the case with the collaboration between Nebius AI and Unum, an AI research lab known for developing compact and efficient AI models.


Dubformer is a secure AI dubbing and end-to-end localization solution that guarantees broadcast quality in over 70 languages. The company manages two of its most resource-intensive tasks on Nebius AI: ML itself and the deployment of models.

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